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Vicious Circle Local Brand

Vicious Circle Local Brand - I don 'know. Perhaps because this nation gradually colonized, we then consider the nation itself as a nation of petty, landless class, class Momor distended. Whatever contrived this nation brand, products, services, technology, whatever we think of as always petty, landless class, class number bloated. Otherwise constrained by any stranger we always think of as big-time, major class, the class bully.


I was sad to hear the story of Martha Tilaar mother last month in the event that my degree Indonesia Brand Forum (IBF). About 15 years ago bu Martha wants its products are present in prestigious malls in Jakarta. So he contacted the manager of one of the malls in Jakarta in order to open the outlet. Mrs. Martha shocked because rebuffed by the mall manager. Yes, because the mall is prioritized for foreign brands.

Long story short, after going through a tough negotiation process, use the show angry all, bu demand Martha finally granted. But it was on one condition: she must be on the floor 4 or 5, because downstairs only to foreign brands, so roughly explanation mall manager.

Owner and manager of the mall is 100% of Indonesia, the Indonesian them genuine. But because they believe that the nation itself is fabricated petty, landless class, class number distended; hence the unseemly local brands mingling with foreign brands classy snapper, main class, class bully. Their deception 1001: homemade nation brand itself is not prestigious, not cool, not cool, and not bring Cuan abundant.

With the growing expansion massifnya global brands into the entire industry and the entire side of our society, the local stereotyped class petty foreigners vs. primary class now increasingly embedded so deeply in the consciousness of every country boy system. Not surprisingly, the national movements as I love I love the products of Indonesia or Indonesian brand has become increasingly irrelevant and only a figment.

Brain Drain

Apparently the local stereotyped class petty foreigners vs. main class not only affects our consciousness in deciding and choosing the products we buy and consume. Similar stereotypes we experience when we are choosing the company where we work.

Along massifnya presence of global corporations (MNC: Multinational corporation) in the country, now increasingly hardened stereotype that working in a local company that petty, landless class, class number distended; while working in a foreign company was classy snapper, primary classy, ​​classy bully.

And the fact is that, working in MNC not only higher salaries, more adequate facilities, the system is more established, more promising career, but also socially more prestigious, more prestige, and more can be exhibited to show off. Among fresh graduates emerging awareness that we are working in MNC is the first choice and second, while local companies to be choosen at last after so many MNC entry is rejected. In other words, in terms of human capital (HR), a local company just got the dregs, while the sari-sari Taken global MNC.

This is what I call that a brain drain has now been going on structural and systemic in our economic system in which the best people we flowed instead into local companies, but to a global MNC-MNC. Confectionery MNC-MNC offered in the form of salaries, facilities, career, expertise needed, to prestige, able to very effectively suck the potential and talents of the child's best country.

Two crush

I'm not worried that we are the best people to work in MNC-global MNC. I'm just thankful they were able to work in MNC as it means they can develop a career and world-class competencies. What I worry about is the fate of our local brands and companies in his own country.

When I observed these developments, local brands and companies are now squeezed from two directions by the stereotypes of foreign vs local landless class main class. First from the consumer side, the trend toward an increasingly consumer-minded foreign cause global brand will get a major preference of consumers, while local brands get the most bloated preferences. Could also be interpreted, local brands just got the dregs of the consumer wallet (customer wallet). For a premium and expensive to ration foreign brands, while the low-rousing (already cheaper still negotiable) a quota of local brands.

Secondly, in terms of human resources, the best people we instead flow to local companies, but to a global MNC. Again global MNCs get rations main class people, while local companies only get the dregs a landless class people. I therefore predict, global MNC entry into the country is so massive, the process will also be followed by systemic brain drain, which in turn will weaken the competitive position of the brand and local players.

Vicious circle

If the two work simultaneously crush and systemic, then we will witness an appalling conditions. Brands and local players will undergo structural weakening due to a vicious circle (vicious circle) which membelitnya.

This vicious cycle mechanism takes place as follows. First of all the local players is not able to attract the best human resources and talents of foreign children. These conditions have a negative impact, because the quality of human resources landless, they are only able to deliver products and services landless class. With products and services landless classes then they will not competitive in the market. Not only that, this condition is also reinforced stereotypes of local brands as brand landless. This condition led to the financial performance of local brands slumped so not able to attract the best human resources and talent because they can not offer a salary, facilities, career, and prestige.

Thus, this process is ongoing into a vortex that makes local brands increasingly worse and continue to decline. This is what I call the vicious circle. Interestingly, the reverse process of vortex (I call angels or virtuous circle circle) occurred on the brand and the global MNC players. Impact, the brand and the global players have strengthened continuously.

In the context of the scenario as above, I am now more aware of the significance of every member country to have a child Indonesian brand of nationalism. In the presence of massive global MNC foreign, foreign subsidiaries must close ranks and build awareness about the importance of developing local brands. First, we have to love and buy local brands. Secondly we have to be proud to work in local companies.

Frankly, I am concerned! I can only pray, hope vicious circle scenario as I mentioned above is merely my dream in broad daylight.
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